Interdisciplinary research

Travis' research is highly interdisciplinary in spanning the fields of digital media, culture, education and health. He has collaborated with experts in applied statistics, academic literacies, educational technology, media studies and public health:

Publications linked to his PhD explained how teenagers leveraged diverse cultural repertoires in curating Visual Arts electronic learning portfolios. Similarly, how Media Studies students used digital portfolios for informal learning in support of contrasting creative work ambitions. In teaching infographic poster design, Travis collaborated with a literacy expert to define how this syllabus can better teach students to make stronger arguments through more coherent multimodal designs. As a PostDoc, Travis collaborated with co-authors from sports medicine and psychology to define online academic bullying and explore what might constitute this negative phenomenon across formal channels and into unofficial publications. 

Travis helped found the Social Media Lab for Internet Research at the Younglings Academy, which is being used by a PhD student to explore the cyber harassment of black male South African celebrities. Travis also worked with a public health and a scientific expert to critique the World Health Organisation’s Infodemic Research Agenda.

As an Adjunct Scholar at CPUT, he recently collaborated with a statistician and qualitative research expert to complete a qualitative data software comparison for live Twitter data’s use in the organisational phase of qualitative research.

Travis is currently working with experts in digital forensics and public relations whilst doing preliminary research into fake celebrity endorsement adverts on social media. He is also revising a paper with a propaganda and a public health expert regarding the non-consensual health promotion of genetic vaccines to pregnant South African women, and those wanting to become mothers.

Despite focusing on niche research topics, Travis has achieved an H-index of 3 according to three services: Publons lists 6 publications that have been cited 30 times ( Scopus lists 5 publications that were cited 44 times ( and Semantic Scholar lists 7 publications cited 55 times ( Google Scholar calculated an H-index of 6 based on 13 publications with 145 citations ( Regarding ALTmetric outreach for social impact, this blogsite has attracted over 300,000 views since its launch in 2008.

Travis' ResearchGate profile features 11 research items, attracting 72 citations and a research interest of 80.9 ( On Slideshare, Travis has shared 28 presentations (

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