Monday 8 June 2009

Updated presentation for Bishops on "Opportunities for teachers and pupils using web 2.0"

Tomorrow, Fred Roed and I present to Bishop's headmaster, Mr Grant Nupen, and vice-principal, Mr Mike King. Fred's talking on "Building the BIshops Community with Social Media", while I focus on "Opportunities for Teachers and Pupils using Social Media (web 2.0)".

I have updated it to feature US president Barack Obama's insights. He recently said: "….it's not enough for our children and students to master today's technologies, social networking and e-mailing and texting and blogging, we need them to pioneer the technologies that will allow us to work effectively through these new media and allow us to prosper in the future." So, Bishops doesn't have to take just Fred and my words for the importance of digital literacy :) !

President Obama also pointed out: "But we need to remember, we're only at the beginning. The epics of history are long. The cultural revolution, the industrial revolution. By comparison our information age is still in its infancy: we're only at Web 2.0." Based on anecdotal evidence, I guess that most South African schools are at web 1.0, or less!

Our first meeting with Bishops staff was a success; teachers agreed that social media have an important role in education and community. However, concerns were raised about the speed (and costs) of Bishops defining and implementing a web 2.0 strategy {and the importance of overcoming passive resistance}.

I am convinced that by; (1) embracing open education, (2) defining a clear, consultative strategy and (3) focussing on the low-hanging fruit, Bishops can become a South African school that pioneers digital education {it already provides its entire curricula to pupils on an intranet}! 

Hopefully, Bishop's example will be a case-study for other schools to follow... with a little help from Fred and I :) !

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