Sunday, 14 March 2010

Bishops' (Diocesan College) first online exhibition of old boy visual art and design

The first online exhibition of old boys' (Old Diocesan) work was held as part of Bishop's Founder's Day celebrations on the 12th of March. The exhibit used 20 computer screens to feature:

OD Union Visual Creatives

OD Union Visual Creative Groups

OD Union Visual Creatives - Google Groups

OD Union Visual Creatives on Facebook

Other Stimulating Sites

Special thanks to Justin for providing FoxP2's latest posters; these greatly enhanced the computer lab's look :).

Judging from the online exhibition's positive feedback from staff and students, there's scope to make it bigger and better next year. Peter's also working with Bishops IT to improve the Visual Arts section on Bishops' website: hopefully, you can read about the OD See on it, in the near future.

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