Techné mentor


+ Social Media and Internet Lab for Research (SMILR) at Younglings Africa (2021+)
The Noakes Foundation (TNF) is the founder sponsor of Younglings Africa's SMILR. Launched in 2021, this lab supports software developer trainees (Younglings) with the infrastructure and support needed to extract data from social media platforms and to clean it for analysis. As principal investigator for the Academic Free Speech and Digital Voices (AFSDV) research project, I advise Younglings Africa's interns on the data requirements for AFSDV projects. I also support CPUT scholars and postgraduates with introductions to the lab and advice on their research processes (for example, trialing live Twitter data extractions via NVivo qualitative research software, first). SMILR also presents a research opportunity itself, regarding how affordable data extraction for digital humanities research can be supported on a sustained basis.

+ Social Media marketing for Non Profit- and Public Benefit Organisations (NPO/PBO) (2021)
Jana Retief (Senior Operations Manager at TNF) and I have presented to select Younglings Africa leaders and interns regarding TNF's annual social media marketing plan. We suggested ideas that Younglings marketing interns could consider applying for growing Younglings' followings via its official LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter presences. TNF is advising Younglings Africa's social media interns on an ongoing basis. 

Prof Tim Noakes, Dr Travis Noakes and Jana Retief at Younglings Africa SMILR launch 2021.jpg
Prof Tim Noakes, Dr Travis Noakes and Jana Retief at Younglings Africa SMILR launch 2021


- Referencing and citations workshop (2018)
Soon after submitting my PhD thesis, I did a workshop for media studies students on how to reference and use citations (with ProQuest Refworks and other options).

- NVivo qualitative research software assistance (2015-18)
I have assisted various UCT researchers in developing codings in NVivo for their ICT Access and UseMeCoDem and Human Sciences Research Council #feesmustfall projects. I have also tutored Hons, MA and PhD students in using qualitative research software.

- A media studies workshop (2017)
A novel research coding workshop for Media Studies postgraduate students taught them to code local conference programmes and explore the citation impact(s) of conference papers.

- An infographic poster design syllabus (2017)
I re-developed a syllabus for teaching second year journalism students to design infographic posters focused on educational inequalities in two Cape Town wards.

- Creative Code workshop (2015)
The portfolio genre was introduced to Creative Code students at Ikamva Youth's Makhaza computer lab in Khayelitsha.

- Open UCT (2012-13)
I contributed to drafting OpenUCT's online project visibility guidelines for academics. These are available via and were incorporated into UCT's Libraries OpenUCT repository.

- The visual arts showcase e-portfolio syllabus (2010-13)
Collaboration with curricular advisors and educators enabled my PhD's action research project to develop a visual arts showcase e-portfolio syllabus for teaching older teenagers new media literacies.

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