Wednesday 20 July 2011

August Social Bookmarking Workshop for Visual Arts and Design Educators

Written for Capetonian Visual Arts and Design educators interested in learning how to "social bookmark".

I will be teaching Secondary School Visual Arts and Design educators to use Diigo (a social bookmarking tool) in mid-August. The two hour, computer lab-based workshop aims to stick to this format:

1. Introduction on teaching with Diigo (and how a Visual Arts Head Of Department (HoD) is using it with Carbonmade) (15 minutes).
2. A brief introduction to my research and the importance of educators developing an "insider" mindset (15 minutes).
3. Educators to install Diigo on their browsers, followed by a discussion of the issues that emerged in doing this on multiple browsers types and versions in a one-laptop-per-learner class (10 minutes).
5. Educators "follow" the Visual Arts HoD and I (5 minutes).
6. Educators  search for, and join, "Groups" that may be beneficial and set their group's email settings, et al. (15 minutes).
7. Discuss setting up a Group (i.e. class of "2013") and joining a WCED one (10 minutes).
8. Educators bookmark a few art museum websites and share them to a "Group" and one of their contacts. (5 minutes).
9. Creating and sharing a "list" (5 minutes).
10. Using other Web2.0 media for Visual Arts and Design education: Facebook, colourlovers (5 minutes).
11. Open forum for hands-on experimentation and questions (20 minutes).

If you teach at high school and would like to attend, kindly RSVP with John Cowan (Senior Education Specialist in the Visual Arts, Department of Education).

1 comment :

  1. I am no longer doing this workshop: sadly, the DOE "does not have funds available for a workshop of this nature". Since my NRF funding ends this year, I have decided to focus on my thesis and will be doing part-time research work for the Center for Educational Technology (CET). While I want to assist the DOE (via the Western Cape Education Department's Visual Arts and Design Department) in promoting online portfolio and social bookmark use to local educators, I am unwilling to continue do so if it continues to be entirely at my expense...


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