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Showing posts with label poster. Show all posts

Friday 8 October 2021

The presentation 'Developing critique and academic argument in a blended-learning data visualization course', plus its hyperlinks

Here is a link to  Associate Professor Arlene Archer and my presentation on our manuscript,  'Developing critique and academic argument in a blended-learning data visualization course'. It's on Slideshare at We developed this presentation for the Cape Peninsula University of Technology's (CPUT) Design Research Activities Workgroup (DRAW). 

For ease of clicking, I've shared the webpage links our presentation mentions here:

Slide 1   

Slide 3

Slide 4
UCT Writing Centre and the Language Development Group

Slide 5
SA Multimodality in Education (SAME) research group

Slide 6
Second author - Travis Noakes, PhD

Slide 10
A framework for argument in data visualization (2020)
Exploring academic argument in information graphics in 'Data Visualization in Society' (2020)

Slide 22
The fate of peripheral action research innovations?

Slide 24
Thanks for watching, watch again on Slideshare

Please let us know if you have any questions about the presentation in the comments box below, ta.

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