Tuesday, 6 July 2010
What to do with a good Apple gone bad in Cape Town…
For any Capetonian Apple Mac user who has ever been told to "replace a processor".
If you ever hear the dread words from your local Apple resellers' technician; "Sorry, you need to replace your processor", you may be forgiven for translating this as "Holy Smokes, Batman. Another three months in the salt mines to pay for an Apple stuff-up? DOH! Why am I doing this to myself. I should have bought a PC like that tightwad friend warned me to!"
To help you defeat that negative voice, know that being told "you must replace your broken processor" may (especially in Cape Town) mean:
To help you defeat that negative voice, know that being told "you must replace your broken processor" may (especially in Cape Town) mean:
- "I could try to fix this, but if I broke something, my crummy boss would take the repair costs out of my salary."
- "I've got too much work already. Why don't you just buy a new laptop and save me some time, alright?"
- "I really don't have a clue how to fix this and my boss wants us to boost sales. Let's create a win-win situation; only, you don't!"
- "Sending this off to Apple (Europe) and back is so expensive. It's not even guaranteed to fix your problem. Buy new and we'll get it right, first time."
So, do not let the veiled command; "... replace ... processor" fool you into hurling your bad Apple onto the heap. Rather, get a second opinion (i.e. call Denis at repairs.com on 021 510 5517) and hope the technician's words prove false and your bad Apple goes good!
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I'm shopping for a new laptop, and your last two posts have convinced me to steer well clear of a Mac for the time being. Who would want such awful after-sales service when paying a premium for the product? Mac users ZA seem to get screwed from both sides. Ouch. No rotten apple for me, thanks.