Monday, 5 December 2011

Documents to help your research team work off a common NVivo 9 file, without NVivo Server.

Written for researchers using stand-alone, NVivo 9 licenses to work on a shared file.

I have just published 'Setting up NVivo 9 user profiles in a standalone project' and 'How to work as a team off one, stand-alone NVivo 9 project file' to the web via Google Docs: both documents were originally written for our research team to follow; the first guides them to set up user profiles appropriately, while the second describes three processes to follow when working on a common file. I have rewritten these documents to guide other research teams with sharing a stand-alone file using separate NVivo 9 licenses.   

As the fourth phase of the research project will run for less than a year, we could not justify purchasing a full NVivo Server license (and no short-term licensing option is currently available). Hopefully, QSR International will look into providing a short-term licensing option for non-profit, academic projects in the near future.

P.S. Kindly let me know whether these documents were useful (and/or how they could be improved!) by adding your feedback in the comment box below, thanks.

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