Saturday 30 June 2012

UCT CFMS FAM3008S volunteers needed to assist with school's website development.

Written for University of Cape Town third-year Online Media Production students.

A government secondary school* that I'm doing research at is getting ready to launch its official website and is interested in being helped by UCT CFMS student volunteers:

The school.
The school is proud of its rich sporting, cultural and academic traditions. It also has an interesting history in which its educators played a key role in the anti-Apartheid struggle for a democratic education system, being particularly active from 1976 to 1985.

Its website.
The school has developed a website template that volunteers can work within (and improve, if necessary). The site will be hosted on the school's server, which select volunteers can be given access to.

Support on offer to your website development group.
The school's ICT Manager is keen for a group of the media production students to assist from August. Should your group decide to do it, he can commit to providing the following support:
  • He will setup an introductory meeting with the school's Principal (if possible), its PR manager, the template's developer, your group and I to scope your contribution;
  • He would like to meet with your group on a weekly basis to give them feedback on their progress and authorize any major changes your group may want to make to the live site on the Principal's behalf;
  • He will provide access to a scanner, so your group can digitize material sourced from the school library's historical archives;
  • He can sign-off improvements that your group recommends for the school's other online presences (such as its Wikipedia page) as well as any new services (such as a school 'YouTube' account) that your group develops and which the school agrees to sustain;
  • He will also work with your group to organize a handover to the relevant staff once they have completed the project.
I will supervise your group and liaise with Dr Marion Walton if there are any major issues during the website's creation and maintenance this year.

This is a rare opportunity for students to develop an official school website with an already-existing archive of photography, press-archives and high level of support. So, if you are keen to assist, kindly email Dr Walton ASAP: the first UCT group to email her, the first to secure!

Please note that I must keep the school's identity private in this post to protect the privacy of my research subjects.

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